(At our home in Delhi)
How many people have Bougainvillea that don’t flower...? There are 4 reasons. The first most common reason maybe lack of sun. If so, then please move it to full sun. Secondly, these maybe getting watered as frequently as the other plants. BOUGAINVILLEA RULE: water it only when it wants water. The leaves should start to wilt and then only one should water. The third reason is that it’s roots could be pot bound. It’s hard for a Bougainvillea to be reported because of its thorns. But it must be done. Repotting can be done anytime between March and November. Cut away some of the thin fibrous roots without disturbing the main root. Add a soil mixture of well decomposed cow dung, Okhla khadi, neem Khali, bonemeal and half a teaspoon of DAP. If the plant is in the ground and can’t be reported, then provide it liquid fertilizer. Mustard cake, fermented for a couple of weeks and diluted with water is a great feed for all flowering plants. Flowering plants need more nutrients than evergreens. The last reason is lack of pruning. If the plant is not flowering, then please prune it and then follow the instructions above. A friend terrace with weather friendly wooden parapet basket planters from Sondha and Pink Beauty Variety of bougainvillea that flowers nonstop.