Indoor bird planters and their care: The trick to taking care of indoor plants is to first ban the maali from watering the plants. He can turn the soil, spray the leaves on the plants every day if he wishes, add a handful of fertilizer every couple of week. GOLDEN RULE : water when the soil turns dry. Touch the soil with your finger. If in doubt whether it is dry or not, err on the side of underwatering. Wait for another day or so till you are absolutely certain about the soil being bone dry.
Then water enough to flush the system of the plant.
Also place plants where there is ample light and air circulation.
Plants like to be where you would want to be. Ideally in a well lit space, away from the draft of an ac or air purifier or radiator ..where the temperature does not change too drastically.
Spray the plant everyday or as often as you can because it’s a bit dehydrating indoors. Once a week put the plant out in the shade. A common mistake is that we decide that the plant is suffering due to lack of light snd we put it out in the full sun. The maali will also add his two bits by saying ‘कुछ दिन बाहर छोढ़ देतें हैं’ ... the plant will wilt in a day and will be almost gone by the time you see it next...Indoor plants must only be put outside in the shade or in a spot where they get the morning sun.
Timings for taking the babies out are also important. In the summer put the plant out when the sun is not too hot. Can put it out by 5 in the evening, leave it out all night ( but not in the line of the hot draft from an ac unit ) , and bring it in by 10 am before the sun turns too hot.
In the winter put it out in the morning but must bring it back by the evening and not leave it out in the cold night air.. indoor plants hate the frost .. and will show their displeasure by turning brown.
For those who have never had indoor plants, please start small by putting a money plant inside. If it doesn’t survive then get back to me for some serious advise. If it does well move to other challenges such as pothos, z z palms, agloenema Katrina, sanseveria ...
Sanseveria is available in pretty dwarf varieties. The only way to make sanseveria and z z palms survive inside is to stop watering them completely. Give them a cup once in 2 weeks when you put them outside.
If you are still having trouble looking after your indoor plants then write to me and I will be happy to explain some more.